Nancy Jennison's
Author, Literacy Specialist, and Language Arts Staff Developer
Nancy Jennison is the author of Integrating Test Prep into Reading and Writing Classrooms, which is published by Scholastic. She has co-authored two more books for Scholastic under the name, Nancy Areglado: Let’s Write – A Practical Guide to Teaching Writing in the Early Grades, and Portfolios in the Classroom.
Nancy has 23 years of experience teaching students and coaching teachers in kindergarten through grade-eight classrooms. She has served as a reading specialist, literacy specialist and language arts staff developer in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Virginia. Nancy has consulted for schools and has been a featured speaker at conferences in over forty states. She is a National Board Certified Teacher and has received the Celebrate Literacy Award from the International Reading Association. Nancy has written a number of journal articles and has appeared on several television shows featuring educational issues. Currently, she lives in Massachusetts.